Join our Feasting Fridays

Every Friday I share what I'm currently alchemizing in my life and any special discoveries I've made; songs, documentaries, books, quotes, people, etc.

Also, every week I offer a journal prompt that helped me get out of my Ego and into my Soul.

Give Me The Feast Please

Some Words From Fellow Feasters

"You make me smile, laugh out loud and cry.  I love everything you are doing. You make the dirty, the shameful, the dark somehow beautiful.  Your words captivate me. I so wish I had half your insight at your age.  I am following the whisper, the voice inside of me that knows. Pure gratitude for your brave authenticity to share your truth and struggle." 

- Michelle

"Each Friday you are a reminder of how passionate and devoted to my soul I aim to be every day."

- Joao

"You have an impeccable ability to bring people into the space of doing their most uncomfortable, most painful, and most necessary work.  These are the containers you provide with your sheer presence and guidance." 

- Melanie

"I have read every Feasting Friday you have written. The many quotes and journal prompts you include have provided many lenses for me to look at and understand my own experiences."

- Brian

Thank you for the tremendous, amazing, heartfelt, and beautiful role you have played in my life. I owe you a huge debt of gratitude. So, thank you so very much for what you are doing and sharing in this world. You are a truly unique and insightful incarnation, my brother!


Come Join The Feast